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(913) 385-9121

Release Agents

Great Plains offers a broad range of dry color antique releases, as well as clear liquid release, for use in stamping decorative concrete projects. Our dry color releases allow the contractor to add multiple accent colors to a stamp job, giving the finished work a more vibrant, attractive, and realistic appearance. Clear liquid release permits faster clean up once stamping is completed and provides a reliable bondbreaker with the concrete. Call Great Plains at 913-385-9121 if you have questions.

Brickform Antique Release

  • Forms a waterproof barrier that minimizes concrete buildup on texture stamps while creating an attractive multi-color hue on the freshly-stamped concrete surface.
  • Replicates natural stone, slate, and other texture finishes.
  • Is applied to fresh concrete in a broadcast fashion over all surface areas to be textured. Generally, one 30-lb. pail will cover 800-1,000 square feet.
  • Excess may be broomed off the surface and the remaining powder washed to the degree desired once stamping has been completed and the concrete is sufficiently cured.

Brickform Liquid Release

  • A colorless liquid release recommended for use with decorative concrete texturing stamps.